Monday, August 21

CoffeeShop "Cracked Glass Plate" Fine Art Texture/Overlay

Duke and I are still sick (coughs can last forever and really wear you down) but everyone else is getting better. What a month we have been having here at the CoffeeShop house. I am ready for cooler weather and a healed family. I know my husband Paul is ready for me to be back to normal. I get really grouchy when I am sick...

Today we are watching the eclipse. I think we will see around 2/3 of it in this part of Texas, and so far it has been amazing. We go out there every 10 minutes or so with our eclipse glasses provided by Paul. I wish we could have gone up north to see the full eclipse, but traveling would have been a nightmare with our bad coughs, so everything worked out ok. I hope everyone  in the path of the eclipse is enjoying this once-in-a-lifetime event. :-)

I have a new fine art texture/overlay to share with you today. I used this free texture and combined a few other textures and created this moody cracked glass plate effect. I use this one in soft light and overlay, but you can try some of the other blending modes too. I love using it with a B&W action. In fact, I wrote a new one that works perfectly with this overlay and I will post it later this week.

I want to thank the talented photographer at Unsplash for sharing their photos (woman with dog, flower, fox, roses, acorn, cat).

Download the CoffeeShop "Fine Art Cracked Glass Plate" Texture.

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1 comment:

  1. Cool tex. Thanks so much.

    I'm sorry to hear that you and Duke are still under the weather but I am glad to see that you got to enjoy the eclipse. Up here in northern Ontario I think it was visible between 55 and 65% but we didn't have glasses to see it. Would have been awesome if we had.

    Take care my dear!



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