Sunday, December 13

CoffeeShop "Holly Jolly" Digital Paper Pack!

I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday! It is rainy this morning but WeatherBug says it is clearing up this afternoon. It is nice to have a few hours of rain so I can catch up with work and also get back to my new book, The Captured, that I purchased at the Alamo last weekend. Every time we go to the Alamo I pick up a new book on Texas history and this one is really interesting but has some parts that are quite horrifying. It was a really brutal time in history.

Of course, I am reading more than one book at a time. I have to get my smarts on, so I am reading a zombie kindle book. ;-) I have to finish it this week because I did not renew my Kindle Unlimited subscription. I also just finished this little homeschooling book that had some really great ideas to keep your head from exploding while homeschooling your crazy kids.

For school I am reading the kids "The Thing with Feathers" . This book is easy reading, and who knew birds are so interesting? We are also reading "Isaac's Storm", which is about the massive 1900 Galveston Island hurricane that killed 10,000-12,000 people. This book has some really tedious spots when they are discussing the politics of the national Weather Bureau during that time, but the discussion about Galveston history, weather, and the hurricane are very readable and interesting.

I am really fascinated reading about all of the crazy weather in the US during the 1800's. Killer droughts, insane long cold winters, long unbearable hot summers; they had it all. In the 1800's they had such a cold winter up north one year that the Mississippi River had 10 foot high icebergs floating down through New Orleans? That is just incredible!

Not only that, in the late 1800's Galveston had such a cold winter one year that it snowed so much on the beach that people were able to build full-sized snowmen. The gulf side of Galveston Island was so cold and frozen that there were dead frozen fish piled up several feet high on the edges of the beach. The author said once they started defrosting the smell was unbelievable.

But enough about my geeky reading... I actually pulled myself away from a book long enough to design a new paper pack. It is a vintage set with gold trim and I think it would be gorgeous in so many types of digital designs. I even included a little gold-trimmed holly "sticker".

Download the CoffeeShop "Holly Jolly" digital paper pack.

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For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.

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  1. Oh, I love these papers! the touch of gold is beautiful. Thanks so much!


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