Friday, November 20

{Friday Photo Bliss}

On Friday I like to post snapshots taken during the week that make me happy.

We discovered this amazing new coffeehouse in town that not only offers delicious coffee, but also has wheat-free desserts (including biscuits!). The kids were in heaven.

While some of you are already getting snow, we are waiting for the leaves to change. Most of them turn brown and fall off, but we have a few trees that actually have some color, like this one. Let me zoom in some.

Welcome Fall!

I get so mad at myself when I forget to bring my real camera and I come upon gorgeous afternoon light. This stunning weed patch is by my parents.

Do other photographer parents see glorious sun streaming through a small field of giant weeds and immediately demand their kids get in there for photos?

My kids are natural  models.

They love each other.

This is their "cool" pose. Just before they both realized they were standing in a fire ant bed.

They just started stinging Duke in this photo. Imp thought it was funny until they went after him too.

Piper had fun chasing his best friend George at my parent's house.

Exhausted puppy. Exhausted hubby.

This week my boys discovered the joys of creating their own stop-motion animation. We downloaded the Lego and MindCraft free stop-motion apps and they have been filming movies like crazy. I will link my favorite ones when I figure out how to get them on my computer.

My dear  husband got to fly again last weekend.  No, this is not our plane but if end up buying it would you let us ride in it? ;-)

Does anyone else get vibes of"Walking Dead"from this hanger photo?  I am a "Walking Dead" addict.

SPOILERS, do not read the sentence below if you are not caught up with the newest season!

I still can't get over Glenn. :-(  Lori and Beth annoyed me and I didn't shed a tear (heartless, I know), but Glenn's situation made me sad...

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh man don't even get me started with Glenn. You never want to be the moral compass on this show! And now with Maggie pregnant--oof! Like a knife through the heart. It is nice to find another female Walking Dead Fan.

    How did you enjoy the summer series, Fear the Walking Dead? I am assuming if you are a WD fan, you will have watched it. So glad it is coming back and that Talking Dead will be airing after each episode in the new season. It is always nice to decompress with Chris H. and guests after each episode.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your Friday Photo Bliss and have a great weekend.

    Lisa D.


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