Sunday, September 20

Neighborhood Evening Walks with my Sweetie

I am posting a new free action tomorrow!

I love our neighborhood. It is a small, gated-community (around 45 houses), covered in trees and conveniently located on the edge of town. Back behind our neighborhood is a newer neighborhood with a giant grassy drainage area bordering a creek that I call the greenbelt. I love to walk the dog and the boys out on the greenbelt.

My favorite time to walk is late afternoon during the golden hour. This week my husband and I went for a romantic evening stroll while the boys were shooting each other and their friends with Airsoft guns at the neighbor's house.

I only had my iPhone on me but I was able to capture the beautiful light using the HDR function. I love the convenience of not having to drag my "real" camera around everywhere.

This is the greenbelt. They really need to mow the grass. Snake City.

This is my wonderful husband Paul and adorable dog Piper. Once Piper gets bigger we will train him to walk on the E-collar and he will be able to run around like a crazy dog. He would like that.

OK, I had to take another photo of my husband. I met him when I was 17 and he was 20 and I still adore him. He is super-hot (and I don't mean in that Texas-humidity-summer way) and he is also very intelligent and incredibly kind. He even gets up early every morning and makes coffee and a big made-from-scratch breakfast. Swoon!

Doesn't Piper have a long tongue? Freakishly long... He is now almost six months and 42 pounds.

Paul decided to drop off Piper so we could continue our romantic walk without having to pick up dog poop. That has a tendency to spoil the moment.

Paul joined me dog-free for another loop around the block. The sun was setting and the sky was so gorgeous.

I felt like I was out on a nature hike and not in our subdivision.

Towering pines and the setting sun, gorgeous.

I love how the road glows with the evening light. And there is my sweetie walking to pick up the boys. Hopefully they are finished shooting each other by now.

Wow, this image is really dark. I need to adjust the shadows in Lightroom.

"AHHHHHH! What is the world???" Oh, that is only my crazy husband jumping around like a nut. Did I mention he also has a wonderful sense of humor? :-)

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

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1 comment:

  1. It is so nice that you were able to spend some time with the hubby alone. The pictures are just gorgeous. The third silhouetted one, captioned, "Towering pines and the setting sun" would make a beautiful digi paper and/or screen saver. Thanks for continuing to share your life with us.

    Lisa D.


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