It is almost the weekend!!! Piper slash Cujo the puppy is doing great and the weather has been beautiful so the kids and I have been spending much of the day outside braving the heat and mosquitos. But during the hottest part of the day we come in and I get to have some time on my computer.
Today I have a new Photoshop/PSE tutorial. I absolutely love when you guys post editing questions here and on my Facebook page. A few days ago one of my readers, Ashley R., posted this beautiful portrait on my Facebook page and asked me how I would remove the purplish glow on a white hair ribbon.
This is an easy fix and I am going to walk you through one way I would do this in Photoshop and PSE.
Spot-Removing Color Casts Tutorial:
As you can see both the ribbon and metal pole have a bit of purplish/bluish tint which is distracting in an otherwise beautiful image.
Add a Hue/Saturation layer and click on the little hand in that pane (circled in the screenshot above) and then click on the part of the ribbon that you see the color cast. I clicked on the part of the ribbon that should be white and it automatically selected Cyan.
Alternatively you can eyeball the ribbon to figure out the color cast and change the color menu drop-down manually.
I dialed down the Saturation to 0 and some of the color cast is gone, but it needs more work.
I clicked on a different part of the ribbon and this time it selected Blue and I dragged the Saturation to 0. Now you can see all of the bluish is gone in the white part of the ribbon and also the metal pole, but I also removed most of the color from her shirt.
Click on the Hue/Saturation layer mask and fill it with black (Keystroke Shortcut: Make sure your foreground color is black and then Alt/Option, Backspace click on the white layer mask). This removes all of the layer's effect so you can paint it back in where needed.
For this image I clicked to select the layer mask and used a 100% soft white brush to paint on the ribbon and metal pole. Then I made the white brush 30% opacity and removed some of the blue on her shirt.
This sounds like quite a bit of work, but it takes about a minute to fix. Easy, right?
If you have an editing question please don't hesitate to let me know here in my comments or on my Facebook page!
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