Friday, June 19

CoffeeShop Photographer Storyboard Set 25!

We are still sick in the CoffeeShop House.  This is the never-ending intestinal disease...  I feel like I did the last time I went to Mexico and came back with a little unwanted souvenir.  You think you are finally getting over it and then it smacks you back to get your attention. If we aren't better by the end of this weekend I will have to drag our sad little rears to the doctor.

Enough whining.  ;-)

I do feel well enough to get back on my computer (I really did miss working!) and today I made a really practical 5x7 photographer storyboard set with clipping masks.   There are four versions, and two of them have borders around the edges.  You can change the border color to any color you want by adjusting the color-fill layer, or add a pretty paper.  I left a text area so you can add a quote, caption, or logo.

These storyboards can be printed or used on the web. I would love to see your results on my Facebook page! And I always take requests if you have something you would love for me to create and post on my site.

I used some beautiful images from Jill Wellington (Facebook, Blog, YouTube Videos, Pixabay) on this "ad".

If you are new to storyboards and need a tutorial or want to download my really helpful "Group It" action to make loading storyboards a breeze, please visit this post.

Download the  CoffeeShop Storyboard Set 25. You can also download it here.

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.

More from Rita:
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  1. Thank you Rita. Also, was glad to read that you didn't get drenched and flooded by the latest round of storms. :)

  2. Those are great! Thank you so much!! :)

  3. Awesome gift, thank you and hope all are well soon!

  4. Thank you so much for the nice template


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