Wednesday, July 2

CoffeeShop Photoshop/PSE Tutorial: The Super Simple Way to Add and Resize Patterns in Your Digital Designs!

The other day I was watching You Tube videos on making custom Photoshop/PSE patterns and came across the most brilliant pattern-using tip and I knew I had to share this with you as soon as possible.

I create and add patterns to all types of designs including website backgrounds, storyboards, headers, logos, cards, etc.  However, I was always annoyed that I knew of no easy way to resize the pattern "on the fly" to perfectly fit each design.  The pattern would be too big or too small and I would try all types of time-consuming ways to make it fit perfectly.

This week I once again found out I am an idiot…  There is an easy way, and you are going to laugh at me that I have been using Photoshop since the early 90's and never knew this super simple trick.  If you use patterns and have been frustrated about resizing them, this tutorial might save your sanity.

If you want to learn how to make your own seamless patterns, I have a Seamless Pattern Tutorial.

Adding and Resizing Patterns in Your Designs in Photoshop/PSE the Easy Way:

1.  There are tons of free and pay patterns out there.  I used some distressed halftone patterns I found at Blog.Spoon Graphics.  You can also find some free patterns at Brusheezy and Pixels & Ice Cream.

When you download the patterns, unzip the folder and then left-click on the pattern file.  Go to "Open With" and pick your favorite editing program. I am using PSE12 for this tutorial.

2.  Here is my blank website background.  Your starting file can be any size (within reason of course).  This one is 2000 x 1250.

In PSE11 and 12 you must be in the Expert Mode (click on the top tab) and have "Windows, Layers" checked so you can see your layer pane.

Click on "Create new fill or adjustment layer", the little half-black and half-white circle on the layer's pane and then select "Pattern".

3.  Your new pattern might show up in the image on the left in the  Pattern Fill pane, but if it isn't, click on the pull-down menubar by the pattern and click to select it.

4.  Now adjust the Scale.  This one is set at 139%.

This one is set to 308%.

Here is the pattern at 535%.

How easy is that?  And how stupid do I feel that I never used a Pattern adjustment layer before this week…  And since this is an adjustment layer you can go back at any time and change the pattern size. There are so many ways to do things in Photoshop/PSE, but it is nice to know the Super Simple Way.

Hope you enjoy this little tutorial!

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.

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