Sunday, May 4

CoffeeShop Enduring Love Tinted B&W Photoshop/PSE Action and Photo Printing Specials!!!

I really love the look of my Enduring Love action, and I wanted to make a version that gives you a softly tinted B&W.  Just like the original version, this one can be completely customized.

The gorgeous SOOC image I used in this post is from Photography by Kelley.

This is the SOOC "before" image with no editing.  The Enduring Love actions have a Level adjustment layer that allows you to adjust the contrast before running the action.  So you can use both actions on SOOC images.

These are all of the layers in the action.  Simply adjust their opacities or work on the layer masks if needed.  I think this is such a lovely B&W edit.

In this edit I ran the Enduring Love Tinted B&W action then added my "Lilac" Fine Art Painterly texture (desaturated) in Overlay blending mode

Download the CoffeeShop Enduring Love Tinted B&W action.

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this photo printing offer! It was time I print photos again anyway :)

  2. Your site is so great!! I have downloaded this action (both the regular Enduring Love & the B&W version), however, I can't get them to work. I have tried re-installing them, running the action on a duplicated background layer, running a layer mask action, then the enduring love action and nothing seems to work. I keep getting the "command 'make' is not currently available." Do you have any suggestions on what I am doing wrong or how to fix it? I am using PSE7. Thanks so much!!!

  3. Michelle, this action might not work in the older versions of PSE7, I have not tested it.


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