Wednesday, March 26

Interview, Preview of New Action, and Primal Blueprint Lifestyle

I am doing my second Whole30 challenge (I think I have about two weeks left) and I can't believe how amazing I feel.  My body fat is just melting away (Yes, it really can happen!) and I don't ever feel hungry or unsatisfied.  Apparently the Whole30 has changed many lives, you can check out the success stories here.  Whole30 is not a paid sponsor of my site, but rather a Life Changer!

I read The Primal Blueprint and decided it made so much sense and was a lifestyle my entire family can follow.  We have completely cut out added sugar and grains, but we want to be able to eat some dairy (cheese/yogurt).  We all feel so good that it is hard not to keep quiet about our new lifestyle to our friends and family.  I know they are sick of us preaching that a healthy diet and exercise can transform your life, but we are living proof!

If you haven't read this study on saturated fat and heart disease you should go check it out.  I can't link the article as it isn't free, but you can read summaries online.  Researchers analyzed over 70 studies on whether saturated fats increased your chance of heart disease, and they concluded they didn't.  There is so much out there about how our bodies need healthy fats (even saturated ones like coconut oil and ghee), yet the AMA and FDA are still pushing the high carb/low fat diet created in the late 70's/early 80's.  That was (Ironically?, I think not!) also the time when Americans started getting fat…

I have done the low fat/high "healthy carb" eating plans over the years and I felt hungry, tired, and did not lose belly fat. Now I eat tons of veggies/fruits/eggs, some healthy meats (fish, grass fed beef, organic chicken), nuts and seeds, and saturated oils like coconut, ghee, and avocados.  I eat as much as I want as long as it is healthy and I don't worry about using some salt on my homemade food.  In six weeks I have lost 13 pounds (without being hungry) and my belly fat is almost completely gone.  My mother who has also joined us in our new lifestyle has lost weight (12 pounds so far and buying smaller jeans) and feels wonderful, my husband has lost his stomach fat and gained muscle and is "ripped", and my sister Heather has banished her seasonal allergies and asthma. It would take pages and pages to tell you all of the positive changes we have seen in our body and emotions.

My blood pressure is within the range of an athlete's (yet I eat salt and saturated fat, oh  my!), my joints don't ache, I have more energy, and my anxieties are almost nonexistent.  Yes, I cured my worries with diet and exercise.  I have more patience with the kids and I feel happy almost all of the time.  It is as if I have discovered some magic "happy pill".

I have lost my cravings for chips/sweets and have no interest in drinking wine anymore.  I have a new addiction to plantains and the kids love my cocoa date truffles.  I also follow the Primal Blueprint's idea of exercise (they suggest daily high-intensity aerobic exercise can cause problems).  So I try to walk/hike/bike at a moderate speed for 30-60 minutes a day and then do body-weight exercises twice a week.  I love You Are Your Own Gym.

I am going to post before/after photos of my abdominal region when I finish my second Whole30.  The proof is in the pics and I hope to inspire those of you who were like me a few months ago and feel frustrated and unhealthy.  I was so exhausted and unhappy about my body before changing my life, and now I feel so great I can't stop talking about it.  It might involve spending more time in the kitchen and daily exercise, but it is 100% worth the extra time to live a healthy, joyful life.

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