Wednesday, May 29

Need Your Input for New "Tool Box, Fix-It" Action!

I realized that I don't really have a "tool box/fix it" action on my site yet, so I decided to start working on one.  I want to write an action that you can use on any image, whether it is a "bad" SOOC shot to a perfect  image that just needs a few tweaks.  In other words, just a basic "clean edit" type of action that doesn't do anything arty but makes your image as pretty as it could be without any bells and whistles.

I want this action to be useful to you, so I wanted to list what I have in it so far and see if you wanted anything else added.  Right now I have a levels adjustment layer for basic contrast adjustment, bright color pop, skin smoothing, express eye pop, vivid color pop, darken darks, brighten whites, Define, Warm it up, Cool it down, Brighten, Darken, B&W conversion, and Vignette.  This was supposed to be a simple action but as you can see I keep on adding to it.  :-)

Is there anything else you would like to see in this action?  It runs pretty quickly and I was able to edit this beautiful image from Amy Mize Photography in just a minute or two by turning on some of the layers and using layer masks.

Let me know in the comments what you think.  And I am stuck on a name for this basic action, so if you have any suggestions please make a note!  I love to hear what you want (and don't want) and please make any suggestions you want of freebies you would like to see posted here on my blog.  This blog is for you and I want to post things that make your life easier and more fun.  :-)

I have some more actions and vintage papers coming out in the next week and two, so please come back!

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.


  1. Coffeeshop Toolbox works for me! =D

  2. I think adding one for Levels would be good as well...I think this would be an awesome action and I like my clean and simple :)

  3. Would the brighten whites work on whitening teeth? I always like to adjust teeth, so anything that would help in that area would be great! Love all of your actions btw!

  4. First, I just found your blog on Sunday and have learned more about Photoshop in the past 3 days than any other attempt before. Second, your generosity is overwhelming - I hope you know how kind and generous you are and how grateful people like me are. Third, I'm still too new to know what would be helpful (does anything fix the blurry shots?? ;-) so I'll defer to others! Lastly as for the name, I like Coffeeshop Toolbox as well - or, First Cup (First Cup of Joe, First Cup o' the Day) as in your first step in editing! ;-) Again, thank you!

  5. name idea: the whole shebang

  6. It sounds great. A curves adjustment layer but maybe I missed that in the list. And you can keep the title simple: Simply Clean.

  7. That sounds just perfect really... p.s. I use your portrait perfect 2 for almost every edit I do!! this may supercede that....

  8. It looks great to me. I like the idea of adding a curves layer or a levels layer.

    One stop shop or clean sweep

  9. I've never commented before, but I have LOVED using your actions the past year! I've read all of your tutorials and I've learned so much! You always have great actions, but I think this might be my favorite! A lot of photographers are leaning more towards simple, bright photos and I think this will be a GREAT action! All your ideas sound awesome so far and I like the coffeeshop toolbox name idea. :)

  10. How about "Everything but the Kitchen Sink"? Or "Essential Toolbox"?

  11. I use Perfect Portrait 2 a lot as well. I would really like to be able to brush on soft pink for cheeks and lips. Probably not right for this action but I have been thinking about it for awhile. Thanks for all you do...I always read your blog and love your actions.

  12. sharpening? Love your actions but this sounds like it's going to be my favorite.

  13. For pictures where a general warming or cooling isn't enough, what about a 1 click action to add cyan or magenta or yellow or red or blue, etc. Thank you so much for your actions .

  14. You are so talented! One thing that came to mind was something to remove shadows under eyes. You could call it Clean & Quick or Once & Done. Other things that would be neat or fun to see from you - already I'm so appreciative of all you create and put out. I think some LR or PS brushes for cheeks, skin, retouching, etc. would be nice. I have to think about this a little more. I do like the sunflare overlays as of late. Seems they are the rage. I'll write back if I think of more. Keepp up the GREAT work and thank you so much! Lisa

  15. I use a highlight recovery quite often and it would be great to have it in one spot with these!

  16. noise reduction and resize for web would be nice.

  17. Still learning how to use presets for photos. My thought for a title would be "Coffee Blend With Cream."

  18. I hope it will work with PSE as well. :-) I like Toolbox Fix-It that tells it all; or maybe Make it perfect. Thanks for all you share. Love your stuff.

  19. Thank you so much for all you do!! I love your actions and am loving this idea of a clean action edit. I thought I saw you were going to make an action where you could add texture to the background and it would automatically not texture on the subject, or am I am making that up? I can't seem to find it. Can't wait for this "spiffy clean action" to come out! I love everyone's input on add on's too! Thanks again!

  20. I love your blog, and the new photo editor. Could you get your new photo editor to have an action for making images' backgrounds transparent PNG's (a layer)? Thank you :)

  21. Sounds like you have about all one would need, except maybe a background blur (DOF) action and maybe a soft sepia action.

    I like the title CoffeeShop a la carte.

  22. How about a center light, remove redness or light haze option? I also have a question that is on a slightly different subject. I have actions from others that appear in "folders". When I work in elements, I mostly jump from folder to folder, which means I sometimes forget about the coffeeshop actions or they are hard to find because I don't remember their name and when I "show all" I have to dig through more than 100 other actions. Is there a way to put your actions in a folder for easier access? That would be so awesome! Thanks for all your hard work!
    I remember you put a call out on facebook a while a go for photos so and I would love to leave this sotc photo for you to use if you would like:


  23. Love all of the comments, keep them coming! And I do have a texture action coming out, but I had to write different versions for Photoshop and PSE since PSE doesn't allow you to use smart filters. But they both work great.

  24. I like the suggestion of sharpening, what about saturation of colors? I really like Toolbox as the name too :) Thanks for all you do!

  25. I was thinking curves and sharpening, but maybe you have it there, already, under a different name.

  26. would love the remove red in there - I use it often in portraits as my canon seems to oversaturate colours.

  27. I started thinking about this some more and thought YOU probably don't have any "bad" (SOCS). I would be happy to send you one so you can have a better idea of what do with this action. (tee hee!)

    No, seriously I take a lot of pictures at plays where the lighting is low and I don't have the $$$$ to get a good lens. My 50mm does pretty well. But it is those low-lighting pictures that I struggle editing the most.

  28. Center "light" or Center focus layer would be great. I see that someone else mentioned this above. I also use a red/magenta removal action a lot.

  29. I agree with one of the comments - I have learn so much about Photoshop from your blog, than from any other source. And your actions simply rock! Thank you so much!!!
    I would definitely vote for noise reduction, adjusting levels, sharpening the foreground and blurring the background, something that would work great for simple (but interesting & effective) product photography without fancy equipment or skills (in my case) :). Oh, and is there a way to create a subtle reflection effect, as if the product was shot on a glossy base?
    Thank you so much for all you do!

  30. I like the idea of using the name "ToolBox" or similar because when the name is ambiguous, I find I will not use the action. (I guess I'm too lazy to go back to my files to look at the cover pics.) Anyway, I would second the votes for curves, levels or noise reduction. Thank you for all you work!

  31. pretty sure your toolbox action sounds like the answer to my post-prod prayers! thank you rita for being amazing, and talented, and wonderful, and generous. i adore both the "CS Toolbox" name idea, as well as the suggestion of "Simply Clean." Waiting with baited breath! ::hugs::


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