Thursday, February 14

We are finally well!

We are all finally well and today I actually feel normal again.  Sorry I haven't been blogging the last days, I just haven't had the energy, but I plan on catching up by this weekend.  Check back, I will have some new freebies coming out that I hope you like.

Happy Valentine's Day!  Now I am off to enjoy a steak with my husband.  I was waiting for him to get the boys off to bed.  We are having our romantic dinner and wine in front of the TV watching a movie tonight.  Can you tell we are an old married couple?  We went out last night to celebrate, but had to bring the boys along.  Who says romance is dead.  ;-)

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1 comment:

  1. awww your not old - just romantic - we had a bottle of wine in the garden and watched as a possom comae to visit our plum tree for his midnight snack :-)


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