Friday, December 21

{Friday Photo Bliss}

Every Friday I like to post one image I took that week that really makes me happy. If you decide to do the same please link your photo in the comments!

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  1. Rita thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts you give so freely.

    Shame on me I've never left a comment before.

    I love your gifts of course but I do so look forward to your Friday Photo Bliss. Your gorgeous boys, their adventures and their natural, expressive faces lift my spirits.

    How fortunate they have a Mom who captures these images so beautifully and lovingly. Alas my skills as a photographer aren't great and I've missed lots of great photo opportunities of my kids and grandkids.

    Wishing you and your lovely family a wonderful Christmas.

    Judy in Australia

  2. Great capture, the light is amazing!! Definitely makes me happy :)

  3. Love this! What is that spraying between them? Here are my munchkins for the week:


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