I wanted to mention the Color Inc Sale! 50% off gallery wraps and $1.49 wallets all through August. Click on the image on the left to go visit their site. Color Inc not only delivers amazing products and customer service, they also have sponsored my blog for years. And I use them when I need something printed.
My husband, who has worked 6 to 7 days a week for years and year, has finally decided to start taking Sunday AND Mondays off. So we actually have a weekend! And what do we love to do on the weekend? Car trips!!!
We decided to go to San Marcos, TX to tube down the San Marcos river. We did tube and it was wonderful (imagine floating down a clear cold river surrounded by trees in tubes while drinking a icy-cold drink with loved ones), but I don't have one photo of us tubing or even the river. I left my camera in the car. But I do have photos of the rest of our trip. It was only an overnight adventure, but we packed in a lot of fun.
We dropped by the Saddlehorn winery for wine tasting (really nice reds from the local grapes) and the boys got to walk in a cotton field and touch cotton on the plants. They were amazed how it was so soft and white.
We stopped in Giddings and bought some amazing ribs and sausage from the City Meat Market. I love these little hole-in-the-wall restaurants. My husband's father came from Giddings so we always make a stop in town and eat. If you are ever driving through you have to stop here. It is right off 290.
After an exhausting day of tubing and eating we had dinner at Mamacita's in San Marcos. It was quite good and the margaritas were excellent (road trips and Mexican food require a margarita). I finished mine in record time. We weren't alone on this trip, we invited my mother and my sister Heather met us in town. Heather's little girl and husband are out of town visiting family, so she brought along little Desi who is three. You can see him below. He is always smiling.
The kids slept like babies (not my babies, they woke up every few hours to nurse all night long). You can see little Desi in the middle. That kid is so cute.
Next morning we all had breakfast in the hotel lobby and Desi managed to spill his entire plate and orange juice all over himself. He managed to get out of his shirt and was trying to pull off his orange juice-soaked pants and undies in the hotel lobby so Heather was forced to take him back to her room. He really struts his stuff and had his own little Magic Mike Moment (never saw the movie and imagine this was more entertaining!). Little Desi had the entire lobby in stitches.
New actions and textures coming out later this week! Hope you are enjoying the end of the summer. And try to squeeze in a little road trip if you have time.
Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.
I LOVE Mamacitas!! When my best friend lived in San Macos, we always met at the one in New Braunfels for dinner. I haven't tubed the river in a few years, but I soo want to before it cools down too much! :)