Monday, August 6

Downtown Train Adventures

This weekend we decided to drive downtown and have Italian food and ride on the train.  We all had so much fun and I took too many photos.  I need to come back with my real camera when it is cooler. There is just so much to see.

As you can see I am still loving my little iPhone camera and Instagram.  My favorite Instagram filter is Earlybird and I spent a few hours trying to create a similar edit in Photoshop.

Here is my version.  This action has 10 layers so far!  Once I finish it I will post it for download along with the little frame you see in my sample that I made from watercolor paper.  I need to figure out a name for this action...  (Update, thanks to my readers' comments, I am thinking of going with  Downtown.)

My husband and I used to live around the downtown area when he was in school and I miss it sometimes.  I need a city apartment along with my suburb house.  And a small organic farm in the country would be nice.  I also apparently need to win the lottery (which means I need to start playing the lottery).  ;-)

The best part of the day was watching how much fun the boys had on the train.  I love these types of inexpensive adventures.

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.


  1. You shoul call it: DOWNTOWN CIRCUS

  2. Love your blog and I couldn't help but notice the coincidence that both of our last posts were about train rides! Hope you can check mine out too!

  3. I'm obsessed with instagram! I feel the same way, I need a posh downtown apartment, a little place on some land, and of course my current suburban home!

    Can't wait to see you action posts!

  4. I love the downtown action (I know that's not the name yet) but the "...feelings...." of the action are just terrific!!!!!!!!!

  5. Thank you everyone! And loved your train post Leanne. Nicole and Simone, I love the idea of calling this Downtown. I think I might use this name, so thank you!!! R


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