Saturday, July 7

Movie Day with the Boys and This and That

I am really fussy about what my boys watch, but I did my research and "Brave" sounded like something we would all enjoy.  So we made a special trip to the old cinema where I worked part-time during college and had a movie date.

And the reviews were right, Brave was enjoyable and didn't have anything that offended the Mama Bear in me.  I haven't enjoyed a kid's movie this much since "Up".  And best of all, the boys loved it.

You probably noticed I changed my blog design here at CoffeeShop once again.  I had a few minutes while the boys were playing at my feet with their marble slides and I decided I needed a change.  I can't stop tweaking...  Now you can see why I became a part-time blog designer.  It helps support my CoffeeShop blogging addiction and also keeps me from redesigning my own blog several times a week and driving you guys nuts.

I also upgraded to MediaFire Pro for my free downloads!  I have had over 1.8 million downloads from MediaFire on my blog since 2008. The first download link in my posts is to Dropbox and I love using them, but I like to have a second link just-in-case, and I have been using MediaFire.  However, sometimes my readers complain about pop-ups/malware/virus issues from the free version, so I decided to spend the money and upgrade to the advertisement-free pro version.  Now both of my download links directly download the freebies to your computer and should be 100% safe.

Oh, I wanted to mention that I have decided to put both of my boys in Classical Conversations this year.  My sister Heather has her daughter in CC and they both love the classes.  My friend Amanda from Everyday Elements also has her children in CC.  I love that we will go to school one day a week (they even do weekly presentations) and I still get to homeschool them the other four days.

We have already been homeschooling using the classical method, but I think it would be good for us to be around more people.  I will have more of a support system since everyone is schooling the same method.  With me working at home and homeschooling we have a tendency to get too isolated, so I am really trying to get out with the boys more this year.

Did I mention they will learn Latin and be able to draw the entire world to scale with 600 points of interest by the time they are 12 or so?  Did I also mention I am excited  because I will be learning right along with them?  ;-)  I will keep you posted on my experiences as a Classical Conversation mom.

Check out these DVD custom covers at Color Inc.

Hope you are having a great weekend with your loved ones!

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.


  1. Love the new look! I always want to tweak my blog too, and have to force myself not to do it all the time!

    I appreciate you upgrading to Mediafire pro. I really hate those pop-ups, but normally I would never complain when I'm getting something for free. Mediafire though often has pop-ups for "adult" sites that I do really object to seeing.

  2. Like Dropbox - it was a good day when you added it.

    Don't like MediaFire - they are constantly downloading irritating items to my computer. Not only do I not like the downloading - none of the items are anything I would use.

    If the Pro version also downloads those unwanted irritating items, I will keep using Dropbox.

    Love your work.

  3. Thank you for your generosity - all 18 million downloads worth. I have been interested in this kind of look in pictures (with the blurred background and selective focused crisp foreground) - would you be willing to publish a tutorial for it? Thank you!

  4. MediaFire pro does not have any pop-ups or ads, you are just sent the download. So nothing other than your file should be downloaded. :-)

    And I am going to post a tutorial/action to get that type of effect!


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