Monday, July 16

Links Love

Imp, who is 5, has an old digital camera.  I decided to finally download his photos and I noticed there is an over-abundance of stuffed penguin photos.  This is one of my favorites because he captured his little friend in flight down our stairs.

I also discovered a few photos that were instantly deleted but unfortunately burned in my memory.  Little Imp decided to take photos of his feet, his hands, his ear, his eye, his knee; you know where I am going with this, right?  Thank goodness he does not have a camera phone...

Talking about bad boys, Breaking Bad Season 5 is here! I have Dish and they don't have AMC (we called and they said not enough people watched it, yeah right) but I found I could order it on Amazon. I am a cheapo but this show is worth the $1.89 I pay per episode.  I love streaming video.  I have to confess I also love Walking Dead.  I think growing up reading Stephen King did something to my brain...  And BTW, my kids can't watch either of these show until they are at least 30.  ;-)

I wanted to link a few places I enjoy visiting (in no particular order).  These are not sponsors, just links I love!

Design Seeds (great for picking colors for designs)
Font Squirrel (free fonts that can be used commercially)
Pugly Pixel (I love her graphic design tutorials)
Spotify (I am a music addict and I love creating my own playlists)
Pandora (Sometimes I just want to listen to random music)
Sylvia Cook (I am addicted to her use of textures, I want her to be my mentor)
Flypaper Textures (I love their textures and love reading their blog, especially the recipes)
Picasa (Blogger's photo storage, but I also love using them for uploading images I use in designs)
Dropbox (love their free storage with instant downloads, use it on my blog

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures. 


  1. I love The Walking Dead! I'm so angry that Dish dropped AMC...somehow I really doubt it didn't get enough viewers...grrr!!!

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 3 post on Jul. 17, 2012. Thanks again.

  3. We are switching to directv.. Can't miss Breaking Bad, Walking dead & Hell on wheels.

    Love your blog! Thanks for all the great actions & tutorials!

  4. Thank you for everything you do! Especially for the fonts link, I am now going to waste a couple hours looking through all of the fonts... :)

  5. Hey Rita, love your blog!
    You are an amazingly talented woman and can't wait to read your Newsletter when it comes. Just wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for us, your fans, so far.
    Do you know of Kim Klassen, her photography and textures?
    Her work is sublime and I wasn't sure if you know her or get her Newsletter. If you do, that's cool. If you don't, I hope you take a look at her stuff and love her just as much as I do. :)

    Here is her link to her blog, happy reading.

  6. Wow, Rita, I never saw this post with the link and shout out you gave me to my Etsy shop! I just happened to check my shop stats today, and I looked at all of 2012 at a glance.

    There was a huge spike in view for July 2012 and I tracked it to your blog! I had to come check it out:) Thank you for doing that, I feel like an idiot for not knowing and thanking you until now!
    You are so sweet!!!


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