Wednesday, March 7

Check out March Madness at ColorInc!!!

I am so proud to have Color Inc Pro Lab as a sponsor on my blog. Not only are their prints and products beautiful, but their customer service is exceptional.  And their specials this month are outstanding!!!

If you are just trying them out for the first time, you can receive five 5x7 test prints for 1 cent! This is a perfect way to make sure your prints match your monitor.  If you are looking for a great place to print your images, please check out Color Inc Pro Lab.

And  please go "like" the Color Inc Facebook page  to keep informed of all of their great deals and tell them that Rita of CoffeeShop sent you!  They are one of the reasons I can keep everything on this blog free.  Thank you Color Inc!

1 comment:

  1. The CD-R Prints are intriguing, I may have to look into those someday if I have a demand come up in my life for them.


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