Thursday, January 26

CoffeeShop Velvet Peach Action UnWrapped Tutorial!

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If you have been following my blog, you know that as much as I love writing and posting actions, I also love to teach editing techniques.  Every action is simply recorded editing steps, and if one takes apart an action they can learn all types of editing tricks and tips.  Today I want to take apart the CoffeeShop  Velvet Peach action.

1.  Open an image and Ctrl-J (Command-J in Mac) to make a copy of the background.

2.  Desaturate the new layer (Layer 1).
Photoshop:  Image, Adjustments,  Desaturate
PSE: Enhance, Adjust Color, Remove Color

3.  Put this layer in Screen blending mode.

4.  Make sure Layer 1 is selected and add a Solid Color Adjustment Layer (this should be the top layer).

5.  I used hex#eed8cb in this action.

6.  Put the Color Fill layer in Multiply blending mode and adjust all layer opacities to taste.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.  I am excited to announce I have two new actions coming out!  One is called Luminous Color Burst and it is the best color pop/enhancement action I have ever written.  It is completely customizable and if you like rich saturated colors you will love this action.  I also wrote an automatic colorbar action for those of you that would rather use an action than my ColorBar template.

And of course I have more storyboards, editing tutorials and design elements coming out.  So please bookmark me and tell your photography/scrapbooking friends about all of my free stuff!

Want all of my favorite CoffeeShop Actions or Design Elements in one simple download AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.


  1. Thank you Rita. I love seeing how you work. Tried this on one of my photos and was amazed at the effect.

  2. You are so giving with your knowledge! Thank you. Can't wait to try it on a photo soon.

  3. Thank you for sharing. I am a beginner at photography and PSE. At my age, I need step by step instructions. Love your actions.

  4. Just wanted to say thanks for all you do and share with us. I realized that I seldom comment or even give thanks when I really do appreciate your talent and generosity.

    I'll try to do better in the future!

    Since you give us your best, we certainly should show our gratitude in response!

    Thank you!

  5. Thanks for sharing! I always learn so much from your tutorials.

  6. What a great tutorial. Thank you so much, Rita !


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