Tuesday, September 20

Dirty Hands and a Home School Tip

Imp is looking at some fresh-picked lavender in his hands.  I only hope he doesn't try to eat any of it.  Oh, those filthy hands...

So I discovered a great little tip to use when homeschooling a rambunctious 1st grader (Duke).  Every fifteen minutes or so we both do a few minutes of exercise; usually involving jumping jacks, bottom kicks, virtual jump rope and boxing.  Duke has trouble staying still while doing schoolwork and I found yelling at him to stop squirming and chewing on his pencils was not working.  But the exercise really helps him focus and allows me to work out some of my frustration.  ;-)


  1. I don't have little ones, but that sounds like a great idea! We should all probably do that :~) I tend to get stuck in my computer chair or on my sofa :~/

  2. You could also give him a little something to fiddle with in his hands. For example, when I was in college I always brought my knitting to class with me... helped me focus to have something in my hands. =D

  3. At least you didn't have to pay an OT to figure that out. ;)

  4. Oh, my goodness. This post gave me flashbacks! I homeschooled our 3 children, two boys and one girl. I finally figured this out, too, so I always planned a quick mid-morning walk, no matter the weather. And, then if things still were a poppin' I'd have them do push-ups or jumping jacks! Boys need to get out the squirmies!

  5. Sounds like my homeschooled 1st grader has the exact same problem! Thanks for the tips. :)

  6. Another thing to consider, probably along with exercising, is what time of day is best for him to focus. I'm a homeschooling mama of 5, and most of mine have focused better in the morning but one did much better in the early afternoon. Something that was miserably hard for that kid at 9am was quick and easy at 1pm.

    Anyway, I was linked to your blog from a digi scrapping site, and I'm still checking that stuff out. However, I relate to the homeschooling posts just as well.

  7. I am homeschooling a 1st grader too and I feel ya! This is a GREAT tip. I will definitely be trying it. Thanks! :)

  8. That's a great idea, especially when it's claimed (I heard it in train-the-trainer class) we retain only what we read the first 10 minutes!

    Saw a classroom on TV once where the kids were "learning" while jumping rope, jumping on a small trampolene, wandering around the room, etc. Said it helps some kids focus and increases their retntion!

  9. Here's a photographer tip: When I have squirmy kids (and its almost ALWAYS boys!) I take them a few yards away from their parents (but the parents can still see what's going on, it's not creepy) and tell them, "you have thirty seconds to get the sillies out then its back to work!" They love it and think its fun. So far it works every time but I know that one day - I shoot a kid who can't sit still no matter what.

  10. I love this idea....I don't homeschool (kiddos are too young yet!). But I'm thinking I should just do that in my everyday life LOL! Maybe then I would lose some of this baby weight....on the couch...get up and do some jumping jacks. At the store...drop and pump out a couple of push-ups...okay I got a little carried away. Great idea though!!

  11. That is a great idea. I was a squirmy kid also and I was very into the out doors so recess was my favorite class.
    Enjoy your evening with your cute family! Hugs

  12. I also was a homeschooling mom to three . . . for seatwork, it may also help to have a ball (about the size of a hacky sack) for him to hold and play with. This can work all the way through high school. There are special balls for this made from corn starch (which has an interesting tactile feel to it).
    I relate to the woman who knitted in class. I always need to have my hands busy on something; it helps me think.

  13. oooh you homeschool!? I want to homeschool my kids! =) Im not brave enough yet, I have a 1st grader too. I could see myself telling him to sit still all day! Good tip. I like it . =)

  14. I'm constantly trying to get my 1st grader to hold still too! I do stop occasionally throughout the school day and have him run the length of the house a few times while I "time" him - seems to help him... Thanks for the tips!
    BTW, I love your blog, your tutorials and actions!

  15. What a simple idea, but then its a win win situation for both.


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