Friday, December 10

{Friday Photo Bliss}

Inspired by the SouleMama blog's {this moment}, I am posting one image every Friday, taken that week, that really makes me happy. If you end up doing the same I would love to see your photo linked in my comments!


  1. I really like this shot. How do you get the shadow on the outside of the photo?

  2. sorry for got my link

  3. Very nice photo! I left a message on your previous post yesterday, but since I haven't heard from you here it is again:

    Hello Rita,

    I love your blog, and I need some help. I just bought photoshop elements 9. I have no idea how it works yet, but I really would love to create a collage of photos as the opening image to my photography blog.

    I see that you have story board templates and other types of templates. But how do you download the templates to get started? I keep clicking on one of the templates that you have that I think I'd like for my blog, but I'm not getting anywhere. My photo blog is at The collage I'd like to make is similar to the ones at and My collage doesn't have to be exactly like these. In fact, I want it to be different. I just don't know how to go about it. Thanks. Any help you can give me will be much appreciated.

  4. Judy, you need to click on the download links and follow the instructions to download the storyboards. I also have many tutorials on making them, just go click on my Tutorial button on top. :-)

  5. You exposed the sky beautifully! Great shot.

  6. I posted mine a day late but check it out :) It is SURE to make you smile!

    I cheated and posted 2 since I forgot to post last week, it will make you saw AWWWWW!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message, I love reading them! All comments are personally moderated by me and I will post and answer them them as soon as possible.