Monday, November 29

Sewing my own camera-strap slipcover and CyberMonday LR3 sale!

I love to sew but I haven't used my sewing machine much the last years. However, I saw this excellent
 camera-strap tutorial and had to try making my own.

I decided against ruffles (partly because my husband would freak out when he needed to use my camera) and found some fabric scraps left over from my cloth diaper-making adventures. I knew the boys would be helping AND I hadn't sewn for over a year, so I needed practice material.

The strap was so easy to put together (Amanda's measurements were exactly on for my Canon strap) and I am really pleased with the results. Next, a trip to the fabric store to pick up something a bit more me, yet not too girly so my husband won't refuse to use the camera. ;-)  It is so nice to be sewing again.

As I was typing this post, I noticed that Amazon has the full version of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 for less than $200!  If you don't have LightRoom yet (I love that program and would not be without it), today might be a good time to order to catch this amazing deal (it could change any moment).  I have LightRoom 2 and I was hoping the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Upgrade price would be less today, but at approx. $95 it is still a steal.


  1. Woo Hoo what a steal! I bought it using your link to it so you had better get credit. Thanks Rita for keeping an eye out for us. This is my pat on the back for finishing college for massage therapy.

  2. I got a camera strap with a lens pocket last year for Christmas. It is the best thing ever. I have a entire pile of fabric in my "someday" stash, so one of these days I am going to try this tutorial too. :)

  3. Very cute strap cover. Personally I would have subjected my husband to the ruffles. ;)
    This has long been on my list of "Things-to-make-when-I-have-the-time". So far, no time. ;(
    Great job!

  4. What a neat idea. Looks fantastic!! Thank you for sharing.


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