Monday, November 15

Check out Morgan's Amazing HUGE Giveaway!!!

Please head over to Morgan's blog and enter her huge giveaway!  She has posing guides, adorable hats and bows, free classes from Amanda, and gift certificates to all kinds of amazing places.  Seriously, there are so many goodies my head started to spin.  If only she were also giving away a new camera...  ;-)

I also wanted to thank Shana from Flora Bella for becoming a sponsor of this blog. I have used her textures and they are simply beautiful and I have heard wonderful things about her actions.  Please check her website out if you haven't already.

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Talking about textures (I LOVE textures), check out this freebie from Sarah Gardner. Her work is simply gorgeous!


  1. I'm headed over! Thanks for the link. :-)

  2. Oh if I was giving away a new camera it would be a Nikon :P

    I need to upgrade my own first!

  3. Morgan, I suppose since you are a professional photographer you deserve a new camera before me! Darn it...

  4. Loving Sarah Gardner's work too. Just used her freebie action. As you for Rita, you've been my #1 instructor. I must share some of what i've created using your work with grateful thanks. And love Florabella... when I can afford a preset splurge


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