Monday, March 9

CoffeeShop 5x7 Scalloped Border Set!

This border set includes two 5x7, 300 dpi .psd borders for your images. Open the border in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as any other image file, and simply drag it over your image (using your move tool) and Ctrl-T (free transform) it to fit. The CoffeeShop Scalloped Borders come in black, but just select the black with your magic wand in Photoshop and then Edit, Fill with the color of your choice. Don't forget to flatten your image when you are finished! THESE ARE NOT ACTIONS!

You can download the free CoffeeShop Scalloped Border Set HERE or HERE!


  1. I love your blog, and of course your freebies! I am nominating you for the lemonade award! Come over to my blog to see!

  2. thanks os much Rita, you have out done yourself again.

  3. Hi Rita!
    I've been visiting your site a lot this week... so in love with your actions! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You're so generous to offer these for free-and I've been so grateful to devour them! Having so much fun!!
    Thanks again!

  4. Hi love your work, I have given you an award, see my blog for details

  5. Love these. Is there any change for bigger versions like 8x10 or a blog size. These are really amazing. Thanks for providing wonderful goodies in a time of economic distress.

  6. Ohhh I love this! TFS!

  7. nice and I love the new header.

  8. Just found your blog and I love your stuff. Thanks for the generous downloads!

  9. Thank you; I love little borders like this!

  10. Thank you! Not only for your freebies, but your easy explanations how to use them! Some of us are just learning, and it's exciting to learn new ways to do things!

  11. Love these frames. Not to sound greedy, but, "do more, do more" Just had to throw that in there. You are very generous and just love all that you do. Thank you, so much...

  12. I just came across your blog for the first time.....and I am blown away!!!! I am so excited to try some of your templates! Thank you so much - I am forever grateful!

  13. Hi,
    I LOVE your website and have had absolutely amazing results with some of your actions. Thanks so much for all you do. You are awesome. I have photshop elements 6, and I am just a beginner. I am having trouble figuring out how to use these. When I add it to my photograph and adjust it to fit, the area inside the frame is white, not transparent. What am I doing wrong?

  14. Thank you for your hard work and actions. You have re-inspired me.


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