Sunday, August 24

CoffeeShop Rounded Corners Almost Ready!

Just wanted to pop in and let you guys know that my newest free action, CoffeeShop Rounded Corners, will be making its debut in the next few days. The action will run in PS7 and newer versions, and in PSE6. It might work in earlier versions of PSE5, but at this point it has not been tested. I will also include a step-by-step Unwrapped tutorial so you will know what I did to create this action.

So please check back soon! And thanks once again for all of your kind comments. I am so happy that you are enjoying my actions/tutorials. Hopefully they are saving you some time (if you are not having too much fun playing rather than actually processing your prints)! I am already working on my next new release of actions and I will let you know what they are soon.



  1. Hi Rita, I only found your site not that long ago but I'm loving the tutorials. Having issues installing them into PSE6 but I'm only new to Elements and still learning. I look forward to seeing the new action and tutorial! Keep up the great work


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message, I love reading them! All comments are personally moderated by me and I will post and answer them them as soon as possible.