I am completely addicted to photography and enhancing my photos with Photoshop and Lightroom. I am a firm believer that anyone who wants to can take great photos, and you don't have to have an expensive top-of-the-line lens, huge pricey camera body,or fancy photo-editing software to do it. You can take a great photo with an old 110 or camera phone. Great photography is about capturing that one amazing moment in time.
I have a Canon EOS Rebel T2i body, a Tamron AF 28-75mm f/2.8, a Canon 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6, a Canon 50mm f/1.8, and a complete need to take hundreds of photos a week. Nothing I own is really fancy or expensive, but I never bought into whoever has the best toys wins. I also find myself using my iPhone camera all of the time. :-)
The reason I started this blog and am giving away my actions and other goodies for free are twofold. First, I create these things for my own use, and I decided that it would be fun to share them. I absolutely love staying at home with my two boys and would have it no other way, but I also have the need to keep on learning and experimenting. I pride myself in being one of the biggest PSE free action writer out there. Second, I love using this blog as my creative outlet.
And in case you are wondering about my CoffeeShop name, I worked for a small coffeehouse as a barista in my 20's for a year (a second job to make some extra money) and that is where I developed my love for coffee and tea. Drinking all of this caffeine has made this blog possible. So I dedicate CoffeeShop Photography to all of those coffeebeans that were not grown/roasted/ground/brewed/and enjoyed for vain!
If you want to contact me the best way is leave a note over at the CoffeeShop Facebook page.
If you love using my free CoffeeShop creations and would like to make a donation to Rita the self-professed photo-editing photography geek of CoffeeShop, please follow this link! This blog is possible because of your generous support.