Monday, December 13

CoffeeShop CutOuts 4!

Would you believe our heater just died?  The other day I smelled something burning in the back of the house, but I thought it was the boys playing with the bathroom heater.  When you turn it on the first time in the winter it always smells.  It hasn't been very cold the last days so I had the heater turned off and didn't realize there was a problem.

However, yesterday the night temperature was predicted to be in the mid-20's, which is cold for this part of Texas.  I went to turn on the heat and nothing happened.  Last night we made a run to Target and bought everyone an electric blanket (they were on sale, excellent) and we were good to go last night.  We have a call in to have our heater checked out, but it is going to be a few days.  Thank goodness it is warming up this week.

So I am sitting here freezing (well, it is 59F in the house, not really freezing) and decided to offer a freebie, a new cutout.   I include a layered .psd file so you can adjust all colors and also a transparent background .png for those of you who don't have Photoshop or Photoshop  Elements.  This CutOut is great to display photos on your blog or a card. It also makes a cute "sticker" for digital scrapbooking.

It is really easy to change the colors.  If you want the change the background, simply click on the background color fill layer and adjust.  Do the same for the Bottom CutOut and Top CutOut layers.  Delete the background layer if you want a transparent background.

You can add a texture or digital paper to the background or any of the CutOut layers.  For the background, drag the digital paper or texture just above the background layer and free transform it to fit.  I used my free Christmas papers for the sample above.  You can add texture/paper to any of the CutOut layers, simply group it with the layer and turn off the color fill layer.  You can also add photos, just group them.  You can use my free Group-It Action to make it easy.

Download the free CoffeeShop CutOuts 4.

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.


  1. I live up in the frozen tundra. Our furnace is broken too...the temp outside with windchill was -25 this morning. Thank goodness the repairman was able to find a short term solution to get it working until the necessary parts get here.

  2. Melissa, you must think I am a wimp!!! ;-) -25, I can't even imagine that. When it gets in the 20's I freeze.

  3. Thanks for the cute cut out!!
    I spent one winter in my house without heat for about 6 was in the low 40's (inside the house)....baaahhhh.
    Hope you get warm soon!

  4. @Rita-Oh no I don't think you are a wimp. I could never handle the heat you get. I was trying to remind myself why I live here. This weekend we have 17" of snow. Moving sounded like a better option than shoveling. :)

  5. I love this and I know I'll use it a lot. Thank you very much.

  6. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 1 post on Dec. 14, 2010. Thanks again.

  7. Rita,

    I have been trying to download your actions into PSE 6.0 for over a month. I sort of succeeded today... everything was going perfectly, and then at the last part I got a notice thing that said "This styles file is bad or corrupted". Do you know what that means? Thanks!

  8. Rachel, these are not actions so you just open them like any other image file. :-)

  9. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! You amaze me. I wish I had the time to do what you do. Thanks for all the lovely freebies!

  10. Rita, you are truly awesome! Thank you so much for your generosity. I have had one slight problem that I can't figure out, and would love some help!
    When I change the color to white top cut-out, yellow bottom cut-out and transparent background, then merge layers so I can drag the cutout onto a different psd, it won't transfer the colors, it's just all white??

  11. Thanks for the freebie cutouts!


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