Saturday, May 8

Army Guy Adventures: Happy Mother's Day!

I noticed an Army Guy in my flower bed. Well, flower bed/occasional cat box /chicken scratching area if you want to know the truth. I am amazed this rose even exists. 

I wonder who he is radioing?

Here comes an old beat up Bronco. Kind of reminds me
of my Army Guy Hero brother-in-law's car. I wonder what is going on?

Ahhh, flower cutting reinforcements.  Army Guy had to reach the flower so he could cut it and give it to his Mom for Mother's Day.  My Army Guys ROCK!

Happy Mother's Day to you!!!

All photos edited in LightRoom 2 and Photoshop CS4.

It has been crazy here and I am not getting much done on the computer these days. See, the weather is so gorgeous I have to spend most of the day outside with the boys.  And I refuse to buy a laptop because I will probably bring it everywhere with me, including the bathroom.  So less computer time = less work accomplished = more time for fun with the boys and the husband =  happier mommy!   I would rather work and spend less and keep my sanity.  :-) 

I wanted to mention that I have added many more designs to my Blogger blog design page.  You can check them out here.  :-)


  1. Yay for you! You're doing what I should be doing - going outside with my kids.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Happy Mother's Day Rita! Enjoy the weather and the BOYS!! I, too, am doing the same thing =) xoxoxoxo

  3. awww...more cute dirty messy boy pics please. I wish I had taken more of those when my kids were little. When they look up at you like that, everyday is Mother's Day!

  4. I hope you had a fabulous Mothers Day!
    In Aus, it was yesterday we are already well into Monday already. :D

    Enjoy spending time with your family.


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